

Luminiscent Harmonic  Multidimensional System
Rainbow Frequency ®reaches planet Earth as the result of  luminiscent multidimensional light that bathes all this universe including our galaxy, solar system and our planet.
The rainbow radiation emanating from the divine heart of the galaxy comes from the divine heart of God’s light to help us cross to a new reality of peace, love and unity never experienced before on this earth plane.
It is mainly an unconditional love energy. It is a new way of energetic alignment and healing that assists humanity to integrate the frequencies of the omniverse.
In this new reality we open up to an “expansion” which is nothing less than a frequency elevation and this allows us to move within a broader band in order to change the programming.
Beings of high evolution are working along with humanity on this project to expand the light on Earth and this is done with the help of the Pleiadians. They are  protectors of the Rainbow Light, Healers and Spiritual Masters belonging to the Higher Peiadian Hierarchy.
This system is used to elevate healing energies and to the purify the planet and its inhabitants who at the soul level wish to evolve and move ahead with the new laws here on Earth.
The colors and geometry used in Rainbow Frequency ® belong to a higher dimension of conciousness and to the following universe. These new elements bring balance and harmony to this 3rd dimension while making the transition to the 4th and 5th. This also facilitates the change of consciousness  from duality to unity/oneness.
Rainbow Frequency ® is designed to bridge the gap between the physical and the subtle and this connection provides access to anchor harmony and healing through the universal spirit.
This rainbow bridge supports higher vibrations to transform reality.

In love and light
Transpersonal Therapist
Holistic Consultant
Rainbow Frequency ® Channeler

Rainbow Protector

Rainbow Frequency (R) sessions and essences are available at this moment.
The essences are coded with rainbow luminiscent codes which are activated by the consultant at the beginning of the treatment.

(c) Copyright 2009 - 2010
Rainbow Frequency (R)
All rights reserved.

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